cleaning project

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Jeff Mottershead
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Post by Jeff Mottershead » Thu Oct 11, 2007 5:59 pm

Kevin's work with the Squamish Access Society has him liasing with both city hall and BC Parks regarding climbing issues, which puts him in a unique position to gauge how the powers that be feel about what we're doing and what we should do and not do in order to keep them happy.

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Post by Joolie » Sun Oct 14, 2007 2:09 pm

Interesting that we condemn the illegal logging of the upper malamute but find a means to justify it in a provincial park....

original gorby
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Post by original gorby » Sun Oct 14, 2007 3:05 pm

The Malamute fiasco would be more accurately described as "illegal land-clearing" don't confuse forestry with development.

As for scrubbing moss and pulling trees and plants out of a crack to create a climb... I'm all for it.
Many thanks to all the people who spent their time and money to put up new routes this year!

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