Why are people ticking the holds in the Cheak with chalk!

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Why are people ticking the holds in the Cheak with chalk!

Post by davereid » Sat May 07, 2005 4:58 pm

Went climbing in the Cheak the other day on the forgotten wall and the crest. I was suprised to find white chalked tick marks indicating holds. I realise that sport climbing is like Gym climbing but is there really any need to take the mystery out of climbing by marking the holds (some were damn right obvious).
I appreciate the effort and time that went into building these routes. I believe some of them are real gems especially the right hand climbs on the crest and Rug munchers on the forgotten wall.
Maybe, I am barking up the wrong tree but these damn tick marks everywhere are driving me nuts. Next it will be electrician tape.

I hate rain and now I am hoping a big rainstorm will come and wash them all away.

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Post by MCpl » Sat May 07, 2005 9:24 pm

You're going to find this everywhere (all over the world) you go. Some places more so than others.

Some people are good and try to erase their tick marks when they redpoint some don't. Some people don't use tick marks at all, others use 4' tick marks.

It ain't the area, its people. At the end of the day, its nothing to get all work up about.

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Post by davereid » Fri May 13, 2005 5:13 pm

I am over my gripe.
I have been climbing for about ten years. So you can call me a newby. There are those out there who have been doing it since the dawn of mankind.

I have climbed at smith and thailand and tons of canadian destinations.

The reason I got so weirded out is...
Some holds being ticked were at ground level. Usually, I find that these are the easy ones to find or figure out.
Some were massive jugs, beside a blank area. I wear glasses and can find those.
Some were so chalked up you could notice them from a mile away, and yet there was the little tick (just in case you could not figure it out).

But hey, everyone has a right to there own style. If it makes them happy, go for it. Get the red point and tick it off the checklist.

I have adapted, accepted it, and am now in rehab. I was just jealous because my damn chalk ball won't leave a nice tick.

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Post by MCpl » Fri May 13, 2005 5:38 pm

Good for you. I just want you to know that we all support and love you. Be strong. :)

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