LOST - 4 or 5 CCH Alien cams and 1 Blue BD X4

Everyone seems to lose their stuff and find other peoples stuff so lets put all those posts in here.
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LOST - 4 or 5 CCH Alien cams and 1 Blue BD X4

Post by JAC » Wed Sep 10, 2014 5:21 pm

Title pretty much says it all. Super bummed about losing these! Not sure where they went off to but somewhere between the Malamute and Chief parking lot. :( pretty sure the highest possibility was near Canadian Compromise, Crescent Crack or Clean Crack.

Would be super stoked if they were returned and would gladly pay some kind of reward in the form of some Howe Sound beers, cash, or Belay slave-itude for a day.


Please send replies to Nancy(DOT)Nilsson@gmail(DOT)com if possible and swap the (DOT)s for periods.

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