partner from the 24th june

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partner from the 24th june

Post by ahiav » Mon Jun 17, 2013 7:31 pm

Hi there my name is ahiav, 27 years old from israel . I will be in squamish since the 24th.I went to the Bagaboo with my partner but it was too early to climb... unfortunatly...and still i wanted to do some climbing. I would like to climb easy multipitch(5.8-5.9) and trad climbing as well I can clean up to 5.9. Im an average climber i have done sports climbing and multipitch as well back home. Would be happy if someone wants to go for some climbing with me. I have all the gear with me. Im gona be climbing for a few dayes. I have my car so it will be easy to move... Any way if you are interest you can Email

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