New girl in town - looking for some girls to rock with

If you're looking for a climbing partner, inside or outside, local or traveling post your requests or info here.
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New girl in town - looking for some girls to rock with

Post by slhanay » Wed May 30, 2012 9:07 am


I just moved to Squamish and the season is still young. Looking for motivated outdoor partners for climbing and outdoor activities. I am totally in for most activities like

- climbing (sport routes around the 5.9s at the moment as I haven´t done lots recently, happy to second on trad/ MP routes)
- bouldering
- hiking/ mountaineering/ scrambling/ exploring
- kajaking
- running

There is so much to do here - lets get out there!!!!

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Re: New girl in town - looking for some girls to rock with

Post by schmaimee » Sat Jun 02, 2012 9:49 am


Living in Vancouver right now, but moving up for July. I am at a similar level with my climbing skills, but I would love to get out and get better. I have the summer off and would love to get out!

a (dot) schalles (at)

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Re: New girl in town - looking for some girls to rock with

Post by jennyma » Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:36 pm


I am also pretty new to Squamish and would definitely love to meet some rad new ladies to climb (sport, trad/mp and boulder leading 5.9. - 5.10) and hang with. I will be working part time over the summer, but will have a lot of free time as well, especially during the week. I climb, run and hike regularly - all at pretty moderate levels - it sounds like we might be a good match!

feel free to shoot me an email: jenssocool(at)



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Re: New girl in town - looking for some girls to rock with

Post by c.falula » Tue Jun 05, 2012 12:00 pm

Hey Ladies,

I'm Carrie and I'm moving into town and would also love to meet some women that love playing in the outdoors as much I do! I'll be working part-time so will have lots of spare time as well. Email me! c.falula(at)gmail(dot)com


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Re: New girl in town - looking for some girls to rock with

Post by lindsey » Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:43 pm

Excited to see this thread! I just moved Bellingham and want to spend significant time climbing in Squamish this year. I have a couple of seasons of experience and I'm leading 5.7 trad at the moment. For sure I'm going to be in Squamish June 22-23 with a pal of mine from Seattle and it would be great to meet up and climb together.

Hoping to find someone interested in venturing over to the Valhallas this year too. I got really inspired during a week in the Bugs last year and then started dreaming of a long weekend that looked something like Steph's post here: ... eim/547730

lindsey no space frallic at gmail dot com

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Re: New girl in town - looking for some girls to rock with

Post by COClimber » Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:46 am

Looking for (female) trad / TR partners the end of July. Will be driving up from Bellingham mid morning on 7/27; I can bring someone up from WA or Vancouver. Available to climb afternoon of 7/27 (Friday), all day 7/29 (Sunday), all day 7/31 (Tuesday). I might be available later in the day/early evening on 7/30.

I'm leading easy trad, up to 7. I really enjoy TRing single pitches of 9-11a --- low commitment/high fun ratio.


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Re: New girl in town - looking for some girls to rock with

Post by dirtmcgirt » Sat Jul 07, 2012 8:09 pm

greetings everyone.

i to am looking for girls to primarily climb with. but i also like to bike, go to the lake, go for hikes and chat etc.. :)
i climb alot with my boyfriend, but you know, he just can't relate to the difficulties we face when climbing. i.e. peeing on multipitches. :|
i love all kinds of climbing, and i especially like working on my leading. i will get on .10 trad, and 10-11 bolts. anyways, i live in a truck, down the road. hope to hear from you!

text 604-848-1176

or email freefreya @hotmail . ca

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Re: looking for some girls to rock with, Skywalker?

Post by COClimber » Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:39 pm

Anyone want a partner for Skywalker on July 31? I could probably lead the easier pitches if you can do the harder ones. I will be in town prior to this date getting use to the climbing style, that is why I say "probably". If it's faster not to swap leads I can just second. I need to hear back by this Wednesday night in case I need to make alternate plans for the 31st. Cheers.

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Re: New girl in town - looking for some girls to rock with

Post by lindsey » Fri May 03, 2013 12:06 pm

Are any of you still around and looking for a partner. Mine bailed for Sunday May 5. - Lindsey

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Re: New girl in town - looking for some girls to rock with

Post by Jtiezy » Sat May 25, 2013 12:09 pm

Hello ladies! My name is Jordan Tieszen and I specialize in climbing photography.
This summer I am creating a portfolio entirely dedicated to female athletes. So far the season has been pretty good and should get much better. If you would like to work with me please contact me by email or phone. Compensation can be negotiated and all athletes that I photograph will recieve free copies of their photos. You can see my work here:

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Re: New girl in town - looking for some girls to rock with

Post by minke » Mon Jun 03, 2013 1:34 pm

Hi Girls!!

I (Minke, Dutch, 23) am about to finish an internship in Edmonton and am dying to see some of BC's rocks! I will arrive in Vancouver on the 18th of june and will fly out to Montreal on the 26th... Within that time it would be great to give my tingling fingers some rocks to hold on to. I am comfortable leading 5.9, although I might want to step to 5.10's soon..
Please let me know if you're interested in climbing together: minkegoes(at)

Looking forward to my time in BC!

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Re: New girl in town - looking for some girls to rock with

Post by squamish climber » Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:10 am

Readers of this post may find this article, Jugs on Jugs by Gaelen Engler familiar and slightly humorous. It's about her struggle to find female climbing partners.

The essay starts out with this scene in Squamish:
Pulling into The Chief campground in Squamish for my first time, I had to double-check the sign to make sure my boyfriend and I hadn’t driven into the training ground for a traveling circus. Uncoordinated, poutin-hungry tourists from China and Montreal were being given slackline lessons through the middle of camp. It was not uncommon to see a unicycle zoom through, and there were enough dogs running around that one had to assume their ringleader was close by.

The Chief campground quickly became known as gypsy camp, and it wasn’t long until the two of us were cooking up tofu and brussel sprout dishes with the best of ‘em. Looking around each day, though, I wondered why the numerous, crowded picnic tables were void of females, young or old. And despite gypsy camp feeling like home after two weeks, there wasn’t a day that went by when the shirtless, chalk-smeared guys just didn’t quite do it for me.
Dave Jones - site admin
When you reach the top, keep climbing -- Zen proverb

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