Stawamus River climbers camp mess

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Re: Stawamus River climbers camp mess

Post by Axilla » Sat Oct 20, 2012 6:52 pm

Two of us showed up today, and it is looking very clean. Only problem is neither of us had a truck. There is less than one truckload of garbage still by the road, so if anyone has a pick-up it would be great if you could haul it to the dump/transfer station.

The tipi has been left standing. Apparently it has been there for 4-5 years, and it looks like quite the engineering feat.

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Climbers Camping Rights on Crown Land

Post by Nico » Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:08 am

Not that I endorse leaving a mess in the great outdoor, but a reminder of some of the public rights to use the Crown Land:
Activities that DO NOT require consent of the district manager

Section 102 DOES NOT apply to basic public access or basic recreational use of Crown land. The following activities ARE NOT considered to be trail or recreation facility construction, rehabilitation or maintenance and DO NOT require the consent of the district manager before the activity may begin:
Basic access or travel through the forest or across the land, by individuals or groups, whether on a one-time basis or repetitive use of the same route.
For example: hiking on Crown land and the normal ground disturbance associated with this activity.
Route finding or route marking using ribbons, cairns or other directional indicators.
For example: marking one’s way with cairns in an alpine area or with ribbons in a forest.
Note: the standard practice of nailing route markers to trees is an allowable practice and is not considered tree spiking under Section 103 of the Act (Tree Spiking Prohibited).

Minor, piecemeal or incidental clearing of brush or downed trees either on or off established trails.
For example: bushwhacking, or clearing branches or deadfall that have fallen across an established path or trail.
Emergency repairs to a trail or recreation facility that are necessary to prevent imminent damage to the environment, the trail or the facility.
For example: repairing a water bar on a section of trail where flooding is occurring and immediate repair is needed.
Emergency construction or maintenance of a trail when this is the only reasonable way of minimizing risk to personal safety.
For example: placing a log over a stream that is necessary to cross to get out of the woods by dark.
Basic recreational use of a localized area, by individuals or groups.
For example: camping on Crown land and the normal ground disturbance associated with this activity.
Construction of small, rustic structures of a temporary nature.
For example: construction of rock fire rings, latrines, etc. ... /chap1.htm

In my experience, the District of Squamish and the Squamish RCMP have a history of wanton disregard of law. It's time to stand up to them and use the Crown Land like we are permitted to.

I am not to sure about the status of the land where the climbers were camping. Anyone wan to check it on iMapBC?

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Re: Stawamus River climbers camp mess

Post by squamish climber » Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:57 am

The Squamish Access Society got some good press in the Chief newspaper last week for joining the Squamish Streamkeepers to clean up the unregulated camping sites on the Stawamus River.
District officials target illegal camping
Cheaper, more convenient accommodation options needed, Squamish Access Society president says

“It was getting to the point of getting to be a bit of a shanty town,” said Charlie Harrison, president of the Squamish Access Society.

On Saturday (Oct. 13), the access society and Squamish Streamkeepers cleaned up illegal campsites along the river. A truck box full of junk was hauled to the landfill.
full article here

Thanks to everybody who volunteered. And thanks to the SAS for making climbers look good by taking responsibility for cleaning up the mess left behind by a few climbers.
Dave Jones - site admin
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Re: Stawamus River land status

Post by Nico » Tue Oct 23, 2012 12:12 pm

Here is the ink to a map of the area with and interest. Yellow is private property, green the provincia park and pink crown land. ... /lightbox/

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Re: Climbers Camping Rights on Crown Land

Post by tobyfk » Tue Oct 23, 2012 12:14 pm

Nico wrote:I am not to sure about the status of the land where the climbers were camping. Anyone wan to check it on iMapBC?
This was discussed in the SAS AGM on Sunday evening. Apparently the site in question is municipal land, not crown land.

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Re: Climbers Camping Rights on Crown Land

Post by tobyfk » Tue Oct 23, 2012 12:24 pm

thesiger wrote:
Nico wrote:I am not to sure about the status of the land where the climbers were camping. Anyone wan to check it on iMapBC?
This was discussed in the SAS AGM on Sunday evening. Apparently the site in question is municipal land, not crown land.
If anyone knows the exact site and wants to verify that ... it's all here: ... -%20Public

There are parcels of municipal and crown around the river.

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Re: Stawamus River climbers camp mess

Post by AaronRN » Tue Oct 23, 2012 9:08 pm

thesiger wrote:
There are parcels of municipal and crown around the river.
Municipal land, crown land, private land..... It's a moot point and irrelevant to the issue.

If any would be campers decide to set up camp so close to a residential area and the locals don't like it, the camp gets shut down. The thought that anyone can hide behind the fact that they're on Crown Land or even private land thinking they can wave their legal rights and justify their being there are wrong.
Piss off the community and the camps get shut down. Period. This kind of action is not unique and the laws that allow the authorities to shut these kinds of camp down could be done under the public health act, but more likely the fire code.
All it would take is the local fire marshal to take one walk through the camp, find one guy with the most modest of camp fires and it gets shut down.

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Re: Stawamus River climbers camp mess

Post by cbovard » Wed Oct 24, 2012 12:04 pm

Hello, I am not living in Squamish anymore but did live in Valleycliffe for a year when I did live in Squamish.
I hiked and ran the trails all around the area.
The area in question has been used (and abused), over time by certain people who want to live off the grid or just be cheap.
I was wondering when this day was going to come where it did finally upset someone enough to cause a stir. Actually I am surprised there has not been a bear attack out there because someone left their dog food out over night.
It is great that there is areas for free camping or whatever around Squamish but a certain group of people are ruining it by taking advantage of it.
The certain Van - Squatting dwelling community of Squamish should maybe take a notice to this. Maybe realize this is a foreshadowing to something that might come down the pipe in the future. For Ex. no overnight vehicles in downtown Squamish.

I could name names but what is the point. He is on this thread and will read this. I do not agree to people milking the society of Squamish to be cheap in their Van or Tent.

One day it might be not allowed and the ByLaw will be enforcing this law.
Something to think about. Time too pay rent like the rest of us.

Chris Bovard

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Re: Stawamus River climbers camp mess

Post by J Mace » Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:12 pm

Municipal land, crown land, private land..... It's a moot point and irrelevant to the issue.

If any would be campers decide to set up camp so close to a residential area and the locals don't like it, the camp gets shut down.
Thats a pretty slippery slope there, and I dont agree with it. Crown land is not a moot point.

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Re: Stawamus River climbers camp mess

Post by AaronRN » Wed Oct 24, 2012 8:42 pm

J Mace wrote:
Municipal land, crown land, private land..... It's a moot point and irrelevant to the issue.

If any would be campers decide to set up camp so close to a residential area and the locals don't like it, the camp gets shut down.
Thats a pretty slippery slope there, and I dont agree with it. Crown land is not a moot point.
It is when what's happening on the crown land is in violation of other laws, laws that supersede the laws and freedoms governing the use of crown land.
This is no slippery slope. This isn't a fist. We're not the first or last community to deal with this issue.

My right to ensure that the forest behind my house doesn't go up in flames, threatening my home and community is more important then someones right to have a campfire in the height of summer after 60 days without rain.

My right to ensure the watersheds and swimming holes in my community are free of pollution is more important then someones right to camp where ever they like.

What we're dealing with is an issue of critical mass. No one, including me, would care if it was just one or two people occasionally setting a tent in the woods on the outskirts of town. But this last summer and fall, our endless streak of dry weather drew an unusually high number of users. I don't buy the "few bad apples" bit. People are people and when small numbers of people grow to large numbers of people, conflicts are inevitable and management is demanded.


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Re: Stawamus River climbers camp mess

Post by Nico » Wed Oct 24, 2012 9:11 pm

cbovard wrote:
I could name names but what is the point. He is on this thread and will read this. I do not agree to people milking the society of Squamish to be cheap in their Van or Tent.

One day it might be not allowed and the ByLaw will be enforcing this law.
Something to think about. Time too pay rent like the rest of us.

Chris Bovard
Come on Chris, who's milking the society of Squamish!
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Re: Stawamus River climbers camp mess

Post by cbovard » Thu Oct 25, 2012 7:50 am

Bahahahahhahah Balllllz... hahahah
I am sure you know who they are Nico.
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Re: Stawamus River climbers camp mess

Post by J Mace » Thu Oct 25, 2012 8:58 am

Aaron, your perceived rights are not above the law. Campfires and camping are allowed on Crown land and although I dont agree with the climbers trash I would rather deal with that than have my rights as a citizen curbed because some folks are leaving behind trash. In that sense I dont agree with your statement that locals can just decide to shut down folks access to crown or for that matter park land. This type of attitude is prevalent in West Van and Lions Bay, and I dont agree with it. Thats the slippery slope I would fight hard to not go down.

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