Horn Lake

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Horn Lake

Post by goosh » Fri Sep 10, 2004 11:08 am


Does anybody have any info on climbing on Horn Lake?
How to get there, topo, camping, etc etc?

any info (or URLs) would be appreciate it



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Post by MCpl » Fri Sep 10, 2004 11:39 am

I guess you like collecting information on closed climbing areas. It'll be hard because no one is going to facilitate any actions that may cause the closure to never be lifted.

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Post by Pete L. » Fri Sep 10, 2004 12:39 pm

Hang out at the HorseshoeBay Ferry Terminal, when you see MCpl, FOLLOW HIM!

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Post by MCpl » Fri Sep 10, 2004 2:10 pm

I didn't say that anyone going there will be shot on site. I simply said that anyone trying to find info/beta on areas that are closed, will find it difficult because people will be reluctant to help. ie. You won't find any topos or written guides to the area. You can buy a list of the routes (pre-closure) from Climbing magazine... but it won't have descriptions of where they start or end.

So Meingh and Pete L you guys can piss-off. Good to know that the administrator of "SquamishClimbing.com" is willing to give out info to strangers on closed areas. Don't forget to include directions to the Lower Malamute as well. Next you'll be organizing a party atop Burgers and Fries. One day Meingh is removing the topo/info to the Senior Centre from this website, the next day he is giving directions to Horne Lake. You ought to figure out where you stand.

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Post by Swinex » Fri Sep 10, 2004 3:36 pm

I tried going to Horne Lake last summer. We got a bad vibe from the locals when we inquired about climbing. It's probably not recommended. Why not go to Crest Crag in Starthcona Park? It's a couple of hours further north on the island but there is a helluva lot more routes and you can get topos from Strathcona Outfitters in Campbell River. There is also camping at Buttle lake or in Gold River.

And if you go to Crest Cragg, don't tick the holds...just kidding :lol:

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Post by Pete L. » Fri Sep 10, 2004 5:49 pm

MCpl, why so defensive? Still upset about the come-from-behind Scrabble trouncing!!

Last word was "furious" I think, like the feeling I got from you and Meingh.
Or was it "unfurious?"

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Post by goosh » Fri Sep 10, 2004 7:24 pm

Thanks guys/gals

I went there over two years ago with some friend and I remembered being a great place so that's why I thought of going back.

MCpl: I had no idea it was closes.. so actually a "Sorry, you might have not heard, but that climb is closed" would have been a nicer answer.

Swinex: I've never heard of Crest Crag (I haven't really done much research on climbing on the island.. I just knew of Horn Lake 'cause I was taken there before) might sound like a good spot. What kind of climbing is there? Thanks for the tip


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Post by Clive kessler » Sat Sep 11, 2004 11:34 am

For the record its people like MEINGH who support climbing in closed areas and chipping that cause more access issues. You should be ashamed!!! :wink:

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Post by MCpl » Sat Sep 11, 2004 4:56 pm

In that case Meingh, please put up the info for the Senior Centre on the site.

Something to think about. I think there is a great majority of people on this site that would like to go to Horne Lake. Meingh, since you are sooooo helpful, please let us all in on the directions, and routes of the area. Might as well, since you can't convince people not to go. Let's help everyone out, but add a little disclaimer like "Just don't piss-off the locals, or better yet don't let them hear or see you. Do not litter, play loud music, park on the road, or scream when missing your redpoint. In fact, camoflage yourself on the approach, because one negative run in with a local will screw it for all of us." This way you'll be covered. Oh yea, your routes that you bolt have loose bolts and rock on them too. :)

I agree that one cannot change someone elses mind. However, we do not need to aid and abet them in their persuits. Espacially when the climbing community on the island is trying to make head way with the land owners there. I mean its gone from prosecution to "bad vibes". Let's not reverse the work that has been done.

Hey goosh,
Thanks for the lecture in PR. Next time I'll try not to hurt your feelings. Ooops, that last lil dig might be too harsh. :)

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Post by Pete L. » Sat Sep 11, 2004 6:49 pm

Can't we all be friends?

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Post by Pete L. » Sat Sep 11, 2004 7:04 pm

Let's go here instead. It looks awesome.
Check out the wall in the middle picture. (in the group of five)

http://www.rockclimbing.com/routes/list ... reaID=4700

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Post by MCpl » Sat Sep 11, 2004 8:26 pm

Its a bit like the wall you and I went and checked out in Chilliwack.

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Post by rockhogg » Sat Sep 25, 2004 8:10 am

why is horne lake closed.
thats a drag

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