looking for a full time partner

If you're looking for a climbing partner, inside or outside, local or traveling post your requests or info here.
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looking for a full time partner

Post by supafly » Tue Jul 22, 2008 4:14 pm


a little intro: i've been climbing for almost 2 years, mostly top rope in the UK for the first year and recently top roping outside in squamish.

i've been on a top rope anchors course last year and have seconded about 10 routes around squamish, as i said mostly top rope experience though. right now i'm looking to do a bit more on the side of seconding multipitch routes and leading sport routes.

anyway - my main concern is TRUST. :)

i'm looking for a climbing partner who will be a partner, i'm not really into the whole "climb with someone new every weekend" thing. i guess since i haven't been at it that long i need to trust the person i am climbing with and for them to be someone who has been climbing long enough to be helpful in helping me improve, but not good enough that i can't keep up!

fat chance i know - but if you're interested let me know, i'm available most weekends.


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