SMF Day 5-It’s a wrap

SMF Day 5
The Squamish Mountain Festival ended with a Flash flood, err scratch that the rain came later, what I meant to say was it ended with a Flashed Dyno Comp at Pavillion Park.  I wasn’t there, but I know it was a crowd pleaser because I could hear them cheering from where I was climbing in Smoke Bluffs. If anybody knows who was crowned the 2011 Dyno Champ please post up on the forum.

Then the retailers and sponsors folded up their tents — thank you guys for all the loot you gave away and making this event possible.  It’s also great all the volunteers were thanked and fed with a volunteer bbq ath the Howe Sound Brew Pub. They also made this event a huge success.

After that it was time to say goodbye to people we met at the festival and to people we reconnected since last time.  That has to be one of the best things about this festival, the friendships made, the stories swapped and the laughs shared. Call it what you will, a community, tribe or sister and brotherhood, but climbers the world over share a unique connection. It’s at events like this that show us climbers why only other climbers can really understand why we have to and love to climb.

I’ll add some photos to this post soon, in the meantime check back the Squamish Mountain Festival page, they have some highlights and recap of the festival.

Thanks everyone for a great festival see you again next year.

Trade Fair and Demo Gear tents
Trade Fair
The Dyno Wall
Dyno Wall
Jeremy Smith, VP of Squamish Access Society Board
Jeremy Smith

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