NEW ROUTE ON YAK PEAK - 14+ Pitches -Mixed Climb - 5.8ish

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NEW ROUTE ON YAK PEAK - 14+ Pitches -Mixed Climb - 5.8ish

Post by MikeStripes » Sat Aug 21, 2010 11:36 am

SOMWOW - Seven One Move Wonders Of the World - 5.8ish
Yak Peak

Picture Topo will be posted SOOOON!

Info Can Be Found Here: ... /106863038


Feed Back To Confirm Grades Would Be Amazing!

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Post by scrubber » Sun Aug 22, 2010 8:57 am

Nice work Mike and friends! I can't wait to try it.

It's surprising that it took so long for more routes like Speedway to be established. There's probably room for a few more.


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Post by Cloudraker » Fri Sep 03, 2010 3:13 pm

do you guys have a topo for this?

Me wants to climb it

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Post by MikeStripes » Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:03 pm

This is all we have for now

Watch for a wasps nest on the new trail about 200m in at the start

Pic topo soon

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Post by MikeStripes » Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:46 pm

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Post by swskier » Wed Sep 29, 2010 12:39 pm

Anyone know if there is snow up on Yak these days?

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Post by MikeStripes » Thu Sep 30, 2010 5:22 pm

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Post by matthewb » Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:49 am

Looking for someone to climb this with anytime in October? I have nothing to do for the whole month.

Anyone interested?

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Post by Dru » Sun Oct 03, 2010 6:48 pm

Climbed this on Thursday last week.
Where it crosses the SW gully (pitch 8-9) the bolted station is located in the middle of a wet streak about 6 feet wide and the "UFO" is gushing water out of all the horizontal cracks. We climbed up right of the gully to a gearless stance (4th class on broken rock) thencrossded the gully about 25m above the station, climbed a 5.6 corner right of the UFO and traversed easily to the bolt belay above the UFO.

On the last pitch the station and both bolts were also in large wet streaks so we made a gear belay (#2 and #3 camalots) up and left of the bolt station and then traversed off up and left into the rotten gully and up to the same ledge that the regular 14th pitch ends on.

Admittedly the variations we did skipped two of the three crux pitches as per the topo but I would say nothing that we did climb was harder than 5.6. Many of the pitches rated 5.3-5.5 on the topo are hands free roped slab hiking.

That said this is a nice bold climb, not overbolted. It is not as sustained or as difficult as Speedway and the rock is worse (crumbly cracks and junk on ledges in a few places) but still pretty good overall. I had a fun time climbing it.

We topped out onto the lower West Ridge and then followed the 1980 S. Flavelle/ K. Flavelle route to the summit. This was no harder than 4th class and pretty bushy. Did not want to rappel the ascent route due to the wet streaks and loose junk on some ledges. While walking off down the Yak hiking trail through the meadows we ran into a fat momma bear and her cub and had to spend half an hour yelling and throwing rocks to get her to move. Some other guys did Yak Check and came down an hour behind us and may have met the bears too. That said, the wasp nest I found on the trail a month earlier was totally gone - bears had dug it up and eaten the wasps.

Total time car to summit was about 5 hrs and car to car about 7.

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