New President for SAS: Tyrone Brett stepping aside

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New President for SAS: Tyrone Brett stepping aside

Post by squamish climber » Fri Apr 16, 2010 10:18 am

In case you haven't seen this, the Squamish Access Society posted recent news on their website following their latest meeting. Charlie Harrison will be taking over from Tyrone Brett who says it was time for a change and 'reposition his personal priorities.' Tyrone will remain on the board as secretary. Welcome Charlie and best of luck!

SAS Board Update
After about half a dozen years at the dashboard of the Squamish Access Society, I have recently resigned as president effective February 2010. Change is a good thing and it’s time the SAS gets a fresh breath of leadership and time I reposition my personal priorities.

My time as president has been incredibly rewarding because of the people I’ve been fortunate to meet along the way. The rewards and challenges have made me a better person and I want to thank everyone who has supported and continues to support us in keeping Squamish the special climbing place it is, in particular my fellow board members past and present. In addition, I want to thank everyone and anyone who has taken the time to get involved with the organizing and governance of volunteer organizations such as the Squamish Access Society, the Climbers Access Society of BC and other access groups across Canada and around the world.

I am maintaining a position on the Board of the SAS, while the wheel has been deftly adopted by Charlie Harrison, a fellow Squamilian and board member since last year.

I look forward to spending more time climbing with my wife and daughter, polishing off a few, still unclimbed, projects and seeing you all out on the rock of this amazing place called Squamish.

Climb when ready!
Tyrone Brett
President (ex)
Squamish Access Society
Thanks Tyrone for the hard work you put into the SAS on behalf of all climbers. People with more first hand knowledege than I can chime in but as an observer from afar I've seen the input and profile of the Squamish climbing community expand significantly in the last six years. I'm thinking of:
- the huge improvements to Smoke Bluffs Park and the newly found pride by the Municipality in it
- the growing popularity and success of the Squamish Mountain Festival
- the Squamish Climbing Strategy Report
- the relatively good relationship with BC Parks, the efforts to minimize disruption for climbers during the Sea to Sky Highway construction and the success in getting improvements for climbers included in the project.
Thanks Tyrone for your role in these achievements.
Dave Jones - site admin
When you reach the top, keep climbing -- Zen proverb

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