Part time jobs
Part time jobs
How easy/hard is it to get a part time job in Squamish in the Spring/Summer, with more emphasis on the Spring time? I am open to almost any type of job, as long as it isn't for free, and allows me to climb often.
I have no food service type experience, my resume consists mostly of trades type jobs...Looking for something for 2-4 days a week...
Planning to get in Squamish end of April and stay for 2-3 months...
Thanks for the help!
I have no food service type experience, my resume consists mostly of trades type jobs...Looking for something for 2-4 days a week...
Planning to get in Squamish end of April and stay for 2-3 months...
Thanks for the help!
There are always plenty of jobs in Squamish. There were a lot of roofers looking for help last year. I'd check the Chief paper. Here is a link but the actual paper has more jobs in it then is listed here.
Good luck!
Good luck!
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