SAS Update: Murrin Parking Closed

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Tyrone Brett
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SAS Update: Murrin Parking Closed

Post by Tyrone Brett » Fri Feb 22, 2008 8:36 pm

Hi Everyone,

Because of a fuel spill from a highway accident, the parking at Murrin will be closed from now until March 9th 2008 for remediation work. For more information, see the following link: ... sitoralert

As the parking lot is the only effective spot to park, access to the park will be problematic if not non-existent. Nonetheless, we will contact Parks to see if a small portion of the lot can be used for climbers' parking.

Tyrone Brett
Squamish Access Society

Steve Townshend
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Post by Steve Townshend » Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:19 pm

any word about Murrin? i thought it was suppost to be ok by March 9th but i drove by yesterday and it didn't even look CLOSE to being ok to go back there yet??? it's a FULL-ON Construction site!!! is that leagal for them to take-over our park? ("our" meaning ALL the people of BC)

i want to clip some bolts and Chek's still cold/wet!

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Post by Tyrone Brett » Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:55 pm

Hi Steve,

This is timely. When the stated open date lapsed, the SAS got in touch with parks and the latest communication we received today is that the fuel got deeper as remediation work began so they have had to dig deeper. They are going all out to open by Easter though. The main objective is to clean up the site; parks granted them the use of the parking lot for this purpose.

Parks also followed up on our concerns around the apron parking lot and the chief parking lot, which had been taken up by debris and heavy machinery with what was in our opinion, a complete lack of consultation and notice. We're stoked to report that it looks like improvements on those fronts, thanks to parks, will happen in the next few weeks.

Squamish Access Society

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Post by Steve Townshend » Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:06 pm

Hey Tyrone, you seem to be the guy to ask about the Construction and how it'll affect climbing in the future...

i have some questions maybe you can answer:

- The Papose Access?
- 69 Access (this year and future years)?
- Nightmare?
- those other sport routes on the same side as 69 (i haven't climbed them yet)
- the Boulders? how many will be destroyed? how many problems lost? accessing the boulders this year and future years?
- Parking at the Chief (i heard they're going to put parking on BOTH sides and a cross-walk OVER the high-way? what about a Left Turning Lane? even if they put parking on both sides, you'll still have to turn around somewhere to get back to town?

don't know if you have any answers....

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Post by Tyrone Brett » Thu Mar 13, 2008 9:16 pm

Hey Steve,

Most of your questions are covered off at, although we need to update the Papoose and Murrin sections. But here is the quick and dirty:

Papoose- ongoing saga of a protracted closure- check out our website for the history. Latest is we are lobbying Parks to have it open as very little blasting still needs to be done, if any. In our opinion Kiewit should get rid of the (out of date) closure sign and let us climb and then close it down for whatever day they feel the need to do some trim blasting. They agreed to a new access trail-head in the fall, but we are suggesting to Parks that that same area be the access point to gobsmacking/shannon fall wall too. Stay tuned, parks is getting back to us.

69, vultures circling, etc. at Murrin: that area is staying two lanes for now. A third temporary lane is going in for the Olympics and then being taken out again. The Ministry of Transportation assured us the only affected crag would be Browning ( the one furthest south) where they would sink in retaining rods. (btw- "vultures" is really good despite the noise). Governments and budgets tend to change though, so nothing is rock-solid going into the future.

Boulders and chief parking: info at (shots fired and porn boulders should be ok; there will be a left hand protected turning lane for people coming from Squamish to get into the main parking on the chief side.)


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Chief Parking.... Venting a bit....

Post by Steve Townshend » Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:26 am

Hey Tyrone, i went to the Boulders yesterday (to try the Silent Menace now that the hold broke.... off topic ---> bad news: the hold that was remaining below the old JUG that broke.... well.... it broke off now too! there's still a crimp, but MUCH smaller.... sorry to Sean McColl who i know was working on it)

when i got to the parking lot it LOOKS like it's closed... even when i was getting out of my car (mine was the ONLY climbers car there when i arrived) the Construction Workers seemed to be giving me dirty looks like "what are you doing here? this parkinglot is closed to climbers". they need to put up a SIGN that says "PARKING LOT STILL OPEN" (i thought you said they were going to, but i looked for an "Open" sign and couldn't find one driving from either direction or in the parkinglot itselft.

Climbing isn't as fun when all you here is "Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang ..... etc." of their machinery!

Then i noticed the sign right when you go into the boulders.... it talks all about protecting the boulders, the trails, respecting Nature and not F__King anything up..... then i heard "Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang" again and couldn't help but laugh! we climbers get SOOOOO much grief from Environmentalists (so much so that crags get shut down even!) for NOTHING! for placing the odd bolt or two or cleaning moss off a piece of rock or chopping down ONE tree somewhere (i'm talking about all over the world here, not just Squamish).... and then these guys do what they're doing!!! the destruction of the road construction is more than ALL climbers in the world have done and will do from 1800AD to the year 3000! how many Indian Artifacts that hadn't been discovered yet are being BLASTED by the road crews?!?!

i'm just venting... have a nice day climbing

PS. then i went to the gym and Junior Team members were yelling and making noise... can't a guy just climb in peace anymore?

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Post by 5.4 Slayer » Fri Mar 14, 2008 4:08 pm

Rant on Steve....get that sh*t off your chest!

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Re: Chief Parking.... Venting a bit....

Post by c-plus » Fri Mar 14, 2008 9:34 pm

Steve Townshend wrote: Then i noticed the sign right when you go into the boulders.... it talks all about protecting the boulders, the trails, respecting Nature and not F__King anything up..... then i heard "Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang" again and couldn't help but laugh! we climbers get SOOOOO much grief from Environmentalists (so much so that crags get shut down even!) for NOTHING! for placing the odd bolt or two or cleaning moss off a piece of rock or chopping down ONE tree somewhere (i'm talking about all over the world here, not just Squamish).... and then these guys do what they're doing!!! the destruction of the road construction is more than ALL climbers in the world have done and will do from 1800AD to the year 3000! how many Indian Artifacts that hadn't been discovered yet are being BLASTED by the road crews?!?!
couldn't agree more brutha!
Steve Townshend wrote: PS. then i went to the gym and Junior Team members were yelling and making noise... can't a guy just climb in peace anymore?
i feel your pain here too. especially when they lead traversing routes that take up the entire wall.

come to think of it, i've heard many people complain about a certain junior team. might have to go give cliffhanger (vancouver) another shot now that it's bigger...

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Re: Chief Parking.... Venting a bit....

Post by 5.4 Slayer » Sat Mar 15, 2008 7:27 am

c-plus wrote: come to think of it, i've heard many people complain about a certain junior team. might have to go give cliffhanger (vancouver) another shot now that it's bigger...
I heard it's a zoo in there. Let us know how that works out for you.

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Post by Charlie » Sat Mar 15, 2008 7:30 am

I don't get it, the highway upgrade is going to allow so many more people to access our great climbing areas. So many more friendly faces to chat with when standing in line for your favourite routs and projects.

(I am being sarcastic)

As an engineer, I am quite disappointed at the lack of respect the construction crews have shown, especially in the Squamish corridor. I am so glad I do not have to work on highway upgrade project. The other big project I am working on, even though it has seen its own protests, has been better run from from an environmental/access stand point. But who really cares about kyakers.

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Post by Tyrone Brett » Sat Mar 15, 2008 8:25 am

Hi Steve,

As we understand it Parks has met with the Kiewit, discussed our concerns and as a result some of our immediate construction/parking issues will be considered and acted upon. One of these is signs (for the precise reasons you mentioned- it looks closed), but it is Parks who will be putting these up.


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Post by Steve Townshend » Sat Mar 22, 2008 9:15 am


Tyrone Brett wrote: the SAS got in touch with parks and the latest communication we received today is that the fuel got deeper as remediation work began so they have had to dig deeper. They are going all out to open by Easter though. The main objective is to clean up the site; parks granted them the use of the parking lot for this purpose.
SO.... anybody know if Murrin is open to climbing agan/yet? how's the parking situation?

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Post by 5.4 Slayer » Sat Mar 22, 2008 6:26 pm

Very little parking with a big No Parking sign. Construction workers only! (or something to that effect)

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Murrin still closed

Post by Tyrone Brett » Sat Mar 22, 2008 6:42 pm

We had been given reason to be optimistic that it would be open this weekend.
The parking is still closed; so for all intents and purposes the Park is as well. It is taking much longer than expected to clean up the site. Rather than continue to rely on conjecture around the opening time frame, we'll update our site and post when it actually is open. I have seen sport anglers parking along the highway to access the lake.

Tyrone Brett

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