Arthroscopy and Ghostdancing

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Arthroscopy and Ghostdancing

Post by understilts » Fri Dec 07, 2007 1:39 pm

In August myself and friend Steve climbed Arthroscopy into the Kneewrecker Chimmney. This was an excellent route that does not seem to see much traffic. THe chimmney takes mall stuff at first and finsihed with a blue and grey cammalot. 2 pithces below were very well protected as well with good bolts where you needed them. Tree belay above chimmney and chains for the rap at top of Ghostdancing
If the chimmney does not suit your taste the long corner previously overgrown corner of Ghostdancing would be an great finsih option.

THe day we climbed it there was a party below us cleaning Ghostdancing. They continued cleaning up into the corner (it needed it badly).
Two great climbs that need more traffic.
Rap Arthro and you will need two ropes to get off.

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Post by Brendan » Fri Dec 07, 2007 3:10 pm

i did Ghost Dancing years ago... the long .10 corner right of Kneewrecker is excellent.

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Post by mcfly » Fri Mar 14, 2008 2:49 pm

I climbed Ghostdancing in mid September last year and the middle of the last pitch was still full of grass and dirt... climbed it anyways but it would be amazing if cleaned.

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Post by Sang » Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:32 pm

Climbed Ghostdancing Aug 2009 and the last pitch was still green about mid height onward. Awesome route and the last pitch is killer. Anyone know if this has been recently cleaned? Sounds spicy around those parts with recent rockfall from way up though??!

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Re: Arthroscopy and Ghostdancing

Post by jstod » Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:00 pm

Had a fun adventure on Ghostdancing this weekend. The route's not particularly clean but it's still very climbable and would probably warrant a retro if it were more on people's radar.

The first two pitches are really varied and the cruxes are short. The second pitch probably scares a lot of people off based on the description (11c/d face/slab) but the difficulties are really short and it's well bolted (can aid through pretty easily).

Half of the last pitch is in the great shape… the top half is a bit brushy but the finger locks are now cleaned out :)

The route offers a great perspective of Uwall and is pretty casual at only 3 pitches in length. If you're up for some fun adventure climbing, get on it!


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