Dog and Pony Show at Neat and Cool

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Dog and Pony Show at Neat and Cool

Post by Optimally-Primed » Sat Apr 03, 2010 8:57 pm

New route at Neat and Cool halfway between Corner Crack and Cat Crack.

Dog and Pony Show (5.7). Hands and fingers up a right-trending crack. Standard rack. FA Jeremy Frimer, today.


What I want to know is how did this thing not get cleaned for all those years.


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Post by bradley3297 » Sat Apr 03, 2010 9:25 pm

amazing what your finding squeezed in these crags.

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Post by 5.4 Slayer » Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:02 am

Hey Jeremy, nice work. You do so much for the climbing community.
But... there already is a Dog and Pony Show in the Sanctuary, probably only a mile or so away so maybe a name change?

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Post by Optimally-Primed » Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:16 am

5.4Slayer. Thanks for pointing that out. Ooops! The name was so fitting too, being between Flying Circus and Cat Crack... Well then, I'd better change the name. The FA was bit of a circus itself... half-drunk, full of dinner, rain starting to fall. And all of 2 parties in the bluffs were out---us and a party on The Edge, the bolted 10a arete just right of the new crack.

Let's rename it Mouse Trap. I checked the current guidebooks and neither list one. This one goes the other way down the food chain.

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Post by Dru » Tue Apr 06, 2010 10:14 am

If this is the formerly tree-filled grovel just left of The Edge, I know it's been climbed before. I think I climbed it myself in '91 after chickening out of leading the Edge... I doubt that was the first time though. I believe the mysteriously unnamed and poorly bolted route just right of Cat Crack also begins up this crack before stepping out left onto the face. Removing the trees is probably a good idea. Can you jam now?

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Post by Optimally-Primed » Tue Apr 06, 2010 3:33 pm

Yep it jams real nice now. The photo above shows how nice and spacious it is (if the photo isn't visible, it will be in a day or two.) The crack just needed a little gardening. The larger tree over on the left is still there, just pruned back a tad.

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