Rock Climbing in Stanley Park?!

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Rock Climbing in Stanley Park?!

Post by solojourneys » Mon Mar 29, 2010 5:31 pm

hey everyone I'm running a climbing meetup this sunday at Stanley Park, mostly bouldering. Everyone welcome to join in!

Does anyone have any beta on the problems? Grades, routes, etc? I've climbed there a few times, fooling around at the face below the overlook.

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Post by Dru » Mon Mar 29, 2010 6:25 pm

Technically illegal.

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Post by Cloudraker » Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:10 am

Dru = Image

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Post by Fre » Fri Apr 02, 2010 6:12 pm

Allright, allright, I know that OP will complain about "riffraff that lingers on this awesome site", but hey, that's technically funny, you know?
But perhaps not to the generation of climbers over 50 that only recently found out that one can do more on the internet that sending emails. No offence intended to older climbers or OP, without you guys Squamish would simply not be the climbing paradise it is now, and I thank every possible God and spirit for the fact that you keep on producing new routes and expanding the Canadian awesomeness that lies to the North of Vancouver, but seriously...
I joined the rock-climbing meet-up group and have attended their events (4 times for sure), despite the fact that one of their members could be identified as Bradley327whatever, who is currently in competition for the biggest douche award with J Mace (it's a very tight race, might even have to be decided on points instead of knock-out doucheness)
My point is (if I actually would have one), that I like hanging out on this site for the serious sh*t posted by OP and for the light comments by some dude living in a "pimped out van" (on a side note to my already incomprehensive sterile rant: dude, what the f?)
So Dru, it may very well be illegal, but so is speeding on the highway
Do it anyway, and keep up the good work grandpa

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Post by bradley3297 » Fri Apr 02, 2010 7:42 pm

LOL what you dont like the fact that i dont want to climb on stanley park choss to impress a bunch of city folk when i live in a classic granite mecca. whatever. name call all you want.

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Post by paulc » Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:28 am

Awwww, seriously?

I don't really care if climbing in Stanley Park is illegal or not. It is just a stupid idea.

Again, seriously?

The rock is crap, both because of the rock quality (hahahaha) and the rampant birdshit. You are climbing in an area that has hundreds of people an hour underneath and you want to pull off crap on their heads? Think people will like it if you take up the path with your crashpads? Perhaps you shouldn't use them and then when you fall off due to sh*t (or sh*t rock) then you deck on pavement (who the hell thinks this is fun? I like my heels in one piece thank you).

There are hundreds of climbers in the city, do you see us all over SP? No? Could be a reason why, eh?

Seriously, go to a climbing gym( the edge is what 10 mins from SP?, CH Vancouver like 15?), boulder in Cypress park, drive to the real rock up north or up the valley.

Lord help us from the climbers with no taste in rock and no sense for societal impact from their dumb ideas.


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Post by solojourneys » Sat Apr 17, 2010 4:34 pm

this meetup attracted some controversy, so here's my two cents, not that it's worth much ..

I boulder in Stanley Park all the time, right on the seawall where the birds nest, and around the corner in the 'bluffs'. I wasn't claiming it was good climbing, just some fun on an afternoon

If it's illegal, then the park patrol doesn't know it. I asked them once, and they said it's fine. I doubt they would appreciate toproping though :-)

Also .. there are TWO meetup groups for climbing in Vancouver:

1. Vancouver Rock Climbing Meetup
2. Rock Climbing and Scrambling (my group)

Awesome people in both, but mine is more for people who want to really push themselves and make bolder climbs, lead harder routes, solo, etc.

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Post by paulc » Thu Apr 22, 2010 9:14 pm

Have fun pushing yourself in Stanley Park.... and with all that etc.?

And please don't suggest to anyone that soloing in SP is a good idea. It most certainly is not.


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