crap crags

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Jeff Mottershead
Casual Observer
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Post by Jeff Mottershead » Fri Aug 03, 2007 10:09 pm

Europa hits Trichome ledge a number of meters South of where the Crap Crags line did, on the other side of a large arete. This makes getting over to Clean Corner way easier.

New pictures are up on the gallery. Most of them don't need an explanation, but the picture of the van with the engine out is the van I bought for this project. The engine is out because it siezec on the way back from Squamish. I finished rebuilding it last week, and I'm up cleaning again.

Jeff Mottershead
Casual Observer
Casual Observer
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Joined: Sun May 20, 2007 4:36 pm

Post by Jeff Mottershead » Tue Aug 28, 2007 10:34 am

I took a fairly big ground fall in Murrin after a cam that looked pretty bomber pulled. My ankle is now broken, so I won't be cleaning for two weeks or so. Some people from the VOC will continue cleaning, but having me out will probably push the completion date past October.

I know that there are a lot of people that want to see the route done so that they can climb it, or so that Arrowroot, Rutabaga and Millennium Falcon all stay clean, and I'll make that happen as soon as I am physically able.

Thanks for your patience with this,

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