Looking for a climbing partner - May 24th and 25th

If you're looking for a climbing partner, inside or outside, local or traveling post your requests or info here.
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Looking for a climbing partner - May 24th and 25th

Post by wantonsonor » Fri May 13, 2016 4:08 pm

Hey All,

I'll be in Vancouver for business and have a few days off. I've done a small bit of both trad and sport climbing outdoors at The Gunks in New York and Rumney in New Hampshire. I'm stuck in NYC, and as such practice in the gym quite a lot to keep my chops up.

Typically climbing in the 5.7-5.9 range outdoors (5.9-5.11 indoors), happy to lead some easy sport stuff and follow on some trad stuff. Only done single pitch cragging, but could get into multi pitch with the right group.

I have the basics (harness, shoes, belay/rappel device, etc.), a good attitude, a rental car, and am happy to pitch in for some victory beers when the day is done. Email me at zschmidl (at) gmail (dot) com if interested, or if you know some crags where I'm likely to show up and fall into the ranks with some folks.



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