Looking for partner for August and September

If you're looking for a climbing partner, inside or outside, local or traveling post your requests or info here.
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Looking for partner for August and September

Post by Renton_1981 » Sat Jul 12, 2014 10:28 pm

I live in Squamish and have climbed off and on for the last couple of years. I finally have some time where I'd like to get more serious, and am looking for an experienced climber who is willing to exchange their knowledge for my safety, dependability, and high availability.

First, the bad news:

-I have minimal (nearly zero) experience leading climbs
-I have minimal gear (just shoes and harness), so you'd need to provide ropes and protection

Now, the longer list of good news:

-I am a solid, solid belayer who takes things VERY seriously, so you would have reliable and well informed partner when leading climbs
-I have bouldered a fair bit, and am reasonably good up to 5.10, so we could cover a lot of terrain
-I am fully prepared to play pack mule on multipitches, schlepping gear without complaint
-I'm a very friendly, easygoing guy who gets along with a wide range of people.

The ideal scenario would be to meet someone who would want to go out fairly regularly (at least several times a week, possibly every day for at least part of the day), enjoys a beer afterwards, and doesn't mind doing a bit of mentoring along the way. Failing that, I will check this often for people who are just in town for a week or are only available on weekends, etc.

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