Climbing in August

If you're looking for a climbing partner, inside or outside, local or traveling post your requests or info here.
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Climbing in August

Post by Rockies_Man » Sun Jul 06, 2014 6:31 pm

Looking for a climbing partner in August, sport and trad. I am in Squamish all of August.
I am from Calgary.

Car, rack and ropes are available.



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Re: Climbing in August

Post by Leticia » Sat Jul 12, 2014 9:16 pm

Hey Paul,

I am keen to climb during the week of 4th-10th august. I'm 24, got lots of experience in sport and some in trad. I like the lower grades but also don't mind seconding harder stuff if I can do it!

I look forward to hearing from you



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Re: Climbing in August

Post by Renton_1981 » Sat Jul 12, 2014 10:34 pm

Hi Paul,

See my most recent post; happy to offer a belay whenever you'd like.



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Re: Climbing in August

Post by karlos » Thu Jul 24, 2014 4:29 am

Hi, Im heading to whistler this monday from Australia until mid august and hoping to get at least a couple of days climbing in at squamish. Let me know if you still looking for someone. Cheers Karl

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Re: Climbing in August

Post by plizi » Sat Jul 26, 2014 12:56 pm

Hi, I am from Czech rep. and will be in Squamish from 16. to 22. of August. I am interested mainly in multipitch trad but I like to mix it to... My goal is Chief Grand Wall and Angels Crest. I can lead up to 5.11a (depend on size of crack :-) have rope and rack... Now I am at Yosemite and getting sam more crack skill...

SMS on +420 605 945 880 or PM or plizi(at)

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Re: Climbing in August

Post by willgjones » Sun Jul 27, 2014 2:20 pm

I'll be in Squamish for the most part of august. Have full rack, rope and I've been in Squamish for abit so I know my way around. Prefer multipitch trad routes. Pm me here email me livedotcalm at

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Re: Climbing in August

Post by waynechorter » Fri Aug 01, 2014 9:02 pm

Hey will,

Just got in to squamish,

rack, rope, been in squamish a few times too. would be down for some long classics, need a few days to warm up then up for whatever.


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