Looking for Climbing Partner

If you're looking for a climbing partner, inside or outside, local or traveling post your requests or info here.
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Looking for Climbing Partner

Post by hess » Tue Jun 24, 2008 11:15 am


I'm new in Vancouver, I've just move from Montreal. I'm here for working and to enjoy the outdoor. I'm available during the weekend.

I did not climbed for the last 5 years because of a work accident. I'm not enough comfortable for leading right now but be happy to be the second on 5.8-5.10 range. I have a car and all the basic gear.

Email me, Thks.


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Post by Tradrenn » Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:56 pm

Check your email man.

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Post by olivierpedoussaut » Mon Jun 30, 2008 6:55 am

I moved two months ago and still looking for climbing partner... are you willing to boulder as well or are you just into sport and trad?

I don't mind doing some sport but with Squamish 45 minutes away and awesome boulders... why would I bother with gears...

Hope to talk/see u soon


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