VOC Longhike warning Sept 29th and 30th

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Todd Mackenzie
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VOC Longhike warning Sept 29th and 30th

Post by Todd Mackenzie » Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:53 am

Hello Climbers,
The annual VOC instructional climbing trip will happening Sept 29th and 30th. There will be approximately 180 VOCers flocking to the moderate single pitch crags, mostly within the smoke bluffs and murrin. We know that this can be frustrating (I also hate pulling into the smoke bluffs and finding the parking lots completely full, meaning the crags will be insanely busy). Hopefully you'll see this heads-up and you can make alternate plans if you want to avoid the crowds. Maybe do some multi-pitch, plan to climb some of the harder climbs in the bluffs (we probably won't be climbing anything harder than 5.10-), head to Skaha (I hear fall weather is good there), or enjoy another sport over the weekend. Of course, everyone is welcome to do as they please, so you can come watch our foolishness as we introduce the next generation of rock climbers to the rock if you wish. I'll try to convey to the instructors that we do not own the crags and that we need to let others climb the routes as well.
Thanks for your understanding,

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Re: VOC Longhike warning Sept 29th and 30th

Post by AaronRN » Fri Sep 21, 2012 6:26 pm

Thanks for the heads up.

So long as you don't park your top-ropes on routes and leave them there all day, there won't be any problems. If a leader requests to climb a route you've got a rope on, it's proper etiquette to allow them to pull your rope, lead the climb and reset your top-rope for you after they're done.

See you Saturday.

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