User photo gallery coming - looking for testers

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User photo gallery coming - looking for testers

Post by squamish climber » Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:41 pm

Hi everyone,

We're almost ready to launch the latest improvement to -- a user photo gallery. This will allow users to create their own galleries and share their photos on the forum, as well as comment on other users photos. This can be done now in the forum but requires some knowledge about html tags and an-online photo account like picasa, or flicker. With the photo gallery it's a much simpler and quicker upload.

The added bonus of a photo gallery is that the photos will be key-word searchable.

I'm pretty psyched about it. This means climbers can feature their photos whether it's from a day cragging, or their multi-pitch epic.

I'm looking for some volunteers who would be interested in testing out the photo gallery before we launch. Let me know if you can help out and we can soon get this out on the site.

Dave Jones - site admin
When you reach the top, keep climbing -- Zen proverb

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Re: User photo gallery coming - looking for testers

Post by thebigchin » Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:26 am

Nice!! I'm looking forward to this. I've got some gumbie shots that I can upload if you still need beta testers.

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Re: User photo gallery coming - looking for testers

Post by coastal_climber » Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:43 pm

I can give a hand if needed, I got lots of photos of my fat a$% getting dragged up steep sh*t

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