Squamish Access Society AGM

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Squamish Access Society AGM

Post by gearheart » Sun Sep 26, 2010 7:03 pm

The Squamish Access Society annual general meeting is happening on Sunday Oct. 3 at 6pm at the Garibaldi room at the Brew Pub. There's been a lot happening this year on the access front and obviously lots to discuss and feedback is needed.
There will be slideshows by Jeremy Smith and Colin Moorhead and ropes and other gear to be won as door prizes.
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Post by JSmith » Thu Sep 30, 2010 7:36 pm

Bump for the SAS.

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Post by squamish climber » Tue Oct 05, 2010 3:53 pm

I attended the AGM on Sunday and want to say hats off to all the work the SAS has been doing on behalf of climbers.

Charlie Harrison president of the board and other board members reviewed the accomplishments of the last year. In my opinion they were too modest in listing all the work they've been doing.

Let's see if I can remember some of what they went over. If any SAS board members see any ommision or errors please correct me:
  • - they were closely involved in steering the effort to make the Malamute part of Stawamus Chief Provincial.
    - they helped put in place a Falcon Nesting Closure policy on the Chief with Provincial Parks that included a formal advisory and monitoring process. No more guess work on which routes were closed and when.
    - with the leadership of Ivan Hughes they helped pull off the most successful Squamish Mountain Festival yet. The proceeds of which went to the SAS and the Climbers Access Society of BC.
    - Along with the CASBC they also organized the biggest turnout for a Trail Day that was held on the fourth day of the SMF. Over thirty volunteers turned out to help on trail work and garbage pickup at the base of the Apron and the Chief. According to the SAS board, climbers scored big cred with senior park staff for this turnout and work.
    - the SAS helped diffuse the issue of visiting climbers camping on the Malemute by posting no camping signs and talking with the campers.
    - they have completed Phase 1 of a rebolting initiative to replace questionable bolts, by contracting Squamish Rock Climbing Guides and West Coat Mountain Guides. Phase 2 is now underway.
    - The SAS formed a Climbers Advisory Group to address safety and preservation issues around long route cleaning. The Group is expected to release a guideline document soon. (The sooner the better imo).
    - they have also offered assistance and equipment to the Smoke Bluffs Park Committee for trail and facility improvements.
    - the SAS worked with provincial park management on a workable camping fee structure for the Chief campground -- helping to keep the unique climbing destination vibe of Squamish.
    - they were involved in lobbying the highways dept to grade Chek access road and parking lot.
What impressed me was that a small hardcore group made up of board members and volunteers accomplished all that. Remember these are folks who have jobs, families and who still want to get out and climb.

I guess what surprised me was that the current SAS membership stands at around 105. What's up with that? If they say there are 1000 climbers living in Squamish and there must be thousands more in Vancouver -- a lot of us are not pulling our weight to support a group that works so hard to ensure we have access to some of the best climbing in the world.

Come on people. It just takes $10 and a few hours a year of your time to accomplish even more. The SAS board noted that it's not money they are really short of, but people who can spare a bit of time emailing or letter writing for lobbying efforts or helping organize SAS iniitiatives.

So I want to encourage everybody to take out a membership. Do it today. And email the SAS and offer to help in some small way. Do it by going to their website Squamishacces.ca. Maybe if we speak with one voice and have the momentum we can get access to the Lower Malamute returned to climbers -- I know I could be dreaming but I know many of you have that same wish.

OK rant over.

And oh yeah, the slide shows by Colin Moorhead and Jeremy Smith were awesome. Colin's route Gravity Bong up the Prow Wall looks incredibly hard--13a --I think. And Jeremy showed us how to go after it - route cleaning in winter snow to open up two great routes on the North Walls. I hope Jeremy and Colin could post up some of their photos on the forum.
Dave Jones - site admin
When you reach the top, keep climbing -- Zen proverb

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