SMF Day 4: Pulling all together
Woke up with the morning rays streaming over the northern shoulder of the Chief brightening up the town of Squamish. What a beautiful place.
A lot of community and fun events happened today. For the first time I didn’t sign up for one of the clinics. But I saw everybody heading out and they all looked psyched for a day of hands on learning. I opted to join the CASBC Volunteer Trail Maintenance Day. There was a great turnout of over 25 people. Some excellent work was done at Murrin Park, Area 44, the Chek and North Walls. All the volunteers were rewarded with some awesome swag.
I stuck around the Adventure Centre after that and somehow got roped onto a team for the Maixm Ropes Tug-o -War. We crushed every other team to win a rope each!
It was Big Wall night at the Eagle Eye Theatre, featuring Glen Denny a big wall pioneer from the sixties in Yosemite and Squamish’s own Will Stanhope. The two offered great contrasts between what climbing was like in the sixties and how it is now. Perhaps not too surprising, there is a lot of similarities too, like the fact that generations of climbers pull pranks on their partners, push the limits and revel in the beauty of climbing.
Checked out the Tropical Themed party down at the Howe Sound Brew Pub to wrap up the night. It was good to see Jeremy Smith, a local who can pull down and climb with the best of them, behind the turntable spinning and playing some great rhythms.
Here’s some photos from the day
A great start to the day
Peter Winter, president of CASBC giving the crew final instructions for Volunteer Trail Maintenance Day

Now it's the end the day and the volunteer crew gather for a group shot with their swag

Crag Maintenance Day: keeping the green back

Fixing a trail up at a new crag in Murrin

Pull harder
Now it's the end the day and the volunteer crew gather for a group shot with their swag
Crag Maintenance Day: keeping the green back
Fixing a trail up at a new crag in Murrin
Pull harder
Jeremy Smith spinning